Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Weekend plans

Friends always do stuff on the weekends, it's just a given. There would be something to do, no calling to make plans or anything like that, just get together and stuff happens.

That made it awkward the first time JD calls on a Thursday and says "what you doin' this Saturday?" I was thinking, what do we always do?, is he joking?, is there something cool happening?... Which got me to the answer, "nothing" thinking that what would follow would be an invite to some adventure that would finally be planned out and not happen on the fly like normal. Then I found out what it was all about, "I'm going to mow the Logan's grass, do you want to help?" Now knowing what it was, I was trapped, I already said I wasn't doing anything, so I reluctantly said "sure." (mowing the Logan's grass is another story in itself.)

This would happen lots of times, helping people move, cleaning up things, taking clothes to Mexico, etc... It always found me (sadly) with the same reluctant response. I used to joke with him, when he would ask me what I was doing, I would say "who needs help now." Each time we would go help someone, it was definitely an adventure in itself (that's what you got when you were JD's friend), and way better than selfishly doing "nothing."

There's too many "morals to the story" to list. Each one are reasons to miss him, and reasons to be that kind of friend to someone else.

--Steven Anderson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this one?