Sunday, July 6, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Jonathan... so this is really going to be a test for your memory. Mom emailed me that David and Drew took a couple of the eighth grade boys to a MBraves game last night. It reminded me of the game YEARS and YEARS ago that we went to with Todd and Lendon . I have such a clear memory of that night. It was the Jackson Mets back then. And the outing was organized by John who was the youth minister back then. We were in elementary school. I remember Todd and Lendon coming to pick us up. I remember meeting at the church parking lot and riding the vans over to the stadium on Lakeland Drive. I remember walking into the stadium. And I have a vague recollection that Bill was riding on someone's shoulders and he fell off or got dropped. I remember having lots of fun and thinking how cool we were because the big kids wanted to hang out with us!

I love seeing how the tradition continues and how David takes the initiative!!

Love you!

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